Boone/ginger litter - whelped by Dave and peg nelson of laramie peaks WSS
sire: GCH BLEDDYN OUR LOYAL WELSH (BOONE)(CH Royailes A Cut Above X NED CH Jayne Our Loyal Welsh)
DOB 3/28/2012 CHIC# 97619 Hips Good, Elbows Normal, Thyroid Normal |
dam: GCH Laramie peaks lady liberty (ginger)(GCH Rocksprings Royailes Dafydd X CH Laramie Peaks Amelia Get Yer Gun RN RA BN)
DOB 7/5/2010 CHIC# 84158 Hips Good, Elbows Normal, Thyroid Normal |
the cardiac litter
In honor of the one year anniversary of Peg's major heart surgery, this litter was themed with heart related names.